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The blue-gray air was thick as split-pea soup with tobacco smoke, pungent with the scent of cheap perfume and hothouse lilies, the stink of sweating bodies, the fumes of alcohol, hot fried food and bad breath.   The big bronze-painted coffin lay on a rack against the wall between the piano and the console radiotelevision-record set. Flowers were banked about a horseshoe wreath of lilies as though about a horse in the winner's circle at the Kentucky Derby.   

Mamie Pullen said to Johnny Perry's young wife, "Dulcy, I want to talk to you."   Her usually placid brown Designer Hermes Lindy   Her usually placid brown face, framed by straightened gray hair pulled into a tight knot atop her head, was Cheap Hermes Birkin her head, was heavily seamed with grief and fear.   

Dulcy looked resentful. "For Chrissake, Aunt Mamie, can't Hermes Kelly Sale let me alone?"   Mamie's tall, thin, work-hardened old body, clad in a black satin Discount Hermes Lindy dragged the floor, stiffened with resolve. She looked as though she had been washed Popular Hermes Birkin out still clean.   On sudden impulse, she took Dulcy by the arm, steered her into the bathroom and closed and locked the door.   Doll Fake Hermes Evelyne locked the door.   

