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Thus far, then, Lily felt that she Hermes Garden Party Tote online and the conviction strengthened her for the task that remained. She and Bertha had never been on confidential terms, but at such a crisis the Hermes Ostrich Stripe replica a crisis the barriers of reserve must surely fall: Dorset's Hermes Constance knockOff of the morning made Lily feel that they were down already, and that any attempt to rebuild them would be beyond Bertha's strength.

She pictured the poor creature shivering behind her fallen defences and awaiting with suspense the moment when she could take refuge in the first shelter that offered. If only that shelter had not already offered itself elsewhere!

As the gig traversed the short distance between the quay and the yacht, Lily grew more than ever alarmed at the possible consequences of her long absence. What if the wretched Bertha, finding in all the long hours no soul to turn to--but by this time Lily's eager foot was on the side-ladder, and her first step on the Sabrina showed the worst of her apprehensions to be unfounded; for there, in the luxurious shade of the after-deck, the wretched Bertha, in full command of her usual attenuated elegance, sat dispensing tea to the Duchess of Beltshire and Lord Hubert.

